TLS MultiLab Multimedia-System 

The Multimediasystem, which applies to all of your demands!

The TLS MultiLab starts a new age for the combined language and IT training.
With MultiLab, it is possible to work in language training with gap-texts, drill or conversation, and in IT training to give help or presenting sample solutions for all students. 
The optimized form of lessons is guaranteed all the time!

TLS MultiLab Multimedia system The Multimedia system for language and computer training

Based on Standard Computercomponents, MultiLab is working mostly independend from the user software, With the approved DidacNet base system, all needed connections (Screen, Keyboard, Mouse) will be performed with One-Key usage. Furthermore the Multimedia system comes with many features, which are known from classic language laboratories. Voices could be transferred and saved digitally.

Control Center

Simple to use for all basic functions:

Up to 4 self-defined groups caould be configured.
The base system is ready for the maximum of 36 students. With the expansion, up to 60 students can be teached.

Technical Data
  • Users:
    1 teacher / 36 oder 60 students / 1 Projector / 1 Notebook
  • Videobandwidth: 300 MHz
  • one-touch usage
  • HSA- und HS-modes
  • automated lock of all Keyboards during Dark-Mode
  • üteacher can control al Keyboards /mice
  • Internet mode


A conference between 2 or more students

Up to 4 self configured Audio-groups can be configured

Two students are paired to one listen and talk group to work together

Record / Playback:
This function is to record and playback programs


up to 8 different Audio devices can be selected to the 4 groups

In combination with the monitor switching, the sound is sent too

All Call:
All students can be addressed simultaneously from the teacher with a mikrophone- / headset-combination

Teacher Call:
The call for help will be singaled with an optical and an acoustical signal to the teacher

MultiLab is available in 3 versions:

Version 1:
Base version (hardware system)

Version 2:
Base version with additional virtual recorder and control software
(For this version Windows 95, 98, ME or 2000, and a full-duplex Sound- and a Network-Card is needed)

  TLS Multilab virtual recorder
  virtual recorder

Version 3:
Base version  + Version 2 + furniture

  TLS Multilab tables and desks
  Language laboratory furniture


More info's are available here.